Edaravone availability in the US - one month to go

Last updated: 10 March 2021

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As we await the arrival of edaravone to US pharmacies, patients can access edaravone now through everyone.org

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After the US approval of edaravone (Radicava) for the treatment of ALS by the FDA in May [1], MT Pharma has announced that Radicava is expected to be available on the US market in mid- August 2017.

Edaravone was first approved for the treatment of ALS by Japan’s Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Agency (PMDA) in June 2015. [2] Since then, everyone.org has successfully ensured the safe and reliable delivery of edaravone (sold under its original manufacturing name of Radicut) to ALS patients across the globe and at a cost five times lower than the expected US market price.

Below are some frequently asked questions regarding the accessibility of edaravone in the US. 

Why is edaravone still not available in the US?

Many areas of managing the complex supply chain such as logistics, can only begin once a drug receives regulatory approval status. So although a drug has been approved by a regulatory body, it may take some time for the drug to enter that particular market. 

I live in the US, can I access edaravone in the meantime?

Yes, most countries have legislation set out in their National Medicines Act enabling patients to import a medicine from overseas that is not yet approved and/or available in the designated market, provided that there is a doctor’s prescription in place.

Therefore, everyone.org can provide edaravone (Radicut) to ALS patients in the US due to its current unavailability. However, once edaravone becomes available on the US market, everyone.org can no longer provide its services to import edaravone into the US.

everyone.org will continue to support US ALS patients access Radicut (edaravone) until the US market date which is expected in mid-August. everyone.org will notify all patients once the official date has been announced.

For ALS patients living outside the US, similarly everyone.org can ensure the safe and reliable delivery of Radicut (edaravone) through various personal importation schemesacross the globe.

How much does edaravone cost?

Since its approval, edaravone has received much controversy over its US pricing. Once edaravone (Radicava) becomes available in the US, it is expected to cost approximately $1,100 per infusion which is given in 28-day cycles, a five-fold increase compared to prices outside the US. [3]

everyone.org, who provides treatments at the best possible prices to patients who may be affected by approval constraints, can provide edaravone at a price of $200 per infusion (excluding shipping and handling costs).

How can I access edaravone through everyone.org?

Please see our edaravone information page for our enquiry form and further information, a member of our customer support team will then contact you ASAP. Alternatively, you can contact us via [email protected] or on +1 6463810675 (US) or WhatsApp +31 615535558.

If you live outside the US you can call us on +31 208084414 (EU) or +61 284172910 (AUS).


Useful links


1. https://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm557102.htm

2. http://www.mt-pharma.co.jp/e/release/nr/2015/pdf/e_MTPC150626_2.pdf

3, https://alsnewstoday.com/2017/06/30/transcript-of-interview-with-als-association-calaneet-balas-on-radicava-fda-insurance-and-pricing/